Julie Edwards, Ed D.

Julie Edwards formal headshot, black dress, necklace
House Fellow
Assistant Vice President for Student Health and Wellbeing
Cornell Health, 110 Ho Plaza

Julie Edwards is the Assistant Vice President for Student Health and Wellbeing. She oversees Cornell Health and campus-wide health and wellbeing initiatives. Julie leads Cornell’s Health Promoting Campus efforts and is continually looking for ways to engage students in providing feedback around what is working well and what areas of growth exist. Julie and her team also evaluate key focus areas (e.g., alcohol and other drugs, sexual assault and related misconduct, hazing) and overarching wellbeing indicators (e.g., flourishing, belonging) to see if our efforts are improving wellbeing over time. Julie currently serves in roles within several national organizations, including the U.S. Health Promoting Campuses Network and the American College Health Association.
Julie’s research focuses on strengths-based approaches that align with the PERMA model and positive psychology principles. She has personal and professional experience with mental health and wellbeing and strives to help others recognize the inherent strengths they have within themselves to pursue the life they want to live. 
Julie is a first-generation student, is married with four children, and has a rescue dog, Rocky. She enjoys exploring all Ithaca has to offer, including the Farmer’s Market, nature trails, and restaurants.