Cara Hsiao

Hi! I’m Cara, an undergraduate junior studying business and information science in CALS. This will be my second year at Becker and my first year as a URF! A little bit about my background: I’m from Northern New Jersey, went to NYU for a year before transferring to Cornell for my sophomore year, and have a pet turtle and dwarf shrimp. A few of my interests are collecting houseplants, baking desserts, solving puzzles (jigsaw and NYT), and painting. Some of my goals for the next semester are to hike more, try new restaurants in Ithaca, and get to the Fuertes observatory on a clear night.
Becker has a fantastic community and I’m hoping to contribute to building a fun and engaging environment for all residents as a URF. If you have any questions about Cornell, the transfer experience, ideas for Becker activities, or anything else, I’m happy to chat. If you see me around the building come say hello!