Trifosa Simamora

Greetings! Trifosa was born in North Sumatra, Indonesia. She is a first-year Natural Resources and Environmental Ph.D. student researching grassland birds and renewable energy in New York State. She did her undergraduate statistics and then continued her master's in fisheries, wildlife, and conservation biology and statistics at NCSU.
She has worked in conservation in Indonesia and collaborated with researchers from Tanzania, Zambia, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, and Uganda. She is enthusiastic about finding the best way to manage landscapes that support ecology. Besides recording bird sounds, doing point counts, and being in the field around NY state, she enjoys reading comic books, birding, biking, and cooking delicious food.
She is interested in developing meaningful community and mentorship for undergraduate students. Feel free to contact her about graduate school applications, fellowships, scholarships, significant major changes, and even bird-related questions in general. She is excited to be part of the community at Becker House and serve as GRF!